Friday, August 15, 2008

You know what's nice about country livin', no fast food.  In fact, there's not much junk food around and you know what's nice about that?  I'm regular.   It hasn't seemed to have helped with the gas though; I'm not sure there is anything out there that can...not even multiple doses of Bean-o.  
This morning I got up a little before six and went inside to read for a bit.  After Bastian woke up, I went out into the front yard and picked several dandelion greens for a smoothie.  Once Bastian downed his "juice", I made him some oatmeal.  You know what else is nice about country livin'?  We eat two meals a day together as a family.  
Man, I must be hungry.  All I've put in here is stuff about food.  
Rob left this morning to go visit his wife in Phoenix.  Yesterday, we all went down into "town" to visit a man about some grapes.  We also harvested some more mesquite beans to grind up for cookies.  Eventually, in about two years, I think we'll be completely, and comfortably, self-sustaining.   


Allison Barry said...

The Barrys sure do love poop stories. Glad to hear you're regular.

john and brenda said...

Country-livin sounds nice. Too bad we chose city-life!!! I like it and would also like the 'change of pace' that change brings. But no matter where you live, life gets more and more full the longer you live there. So what do you think of that!!!

Mindy said...

you can still live in the city and not eat fast food. I know that takes self control but I know Ryan's mom is a professional at that. For her birthday, we were going to take her out to eat but when we got there, she had already fixed dinner since she doesn't like to eat out.(fast food or sit-down) I don't know how she does it. She's going to live a long life if she lives like that. I would die without fast food! I just like having the option to get it if I don't feel like fixing dinner or we just don't have anything to eat. An excuse to be lazy. that's probably why i've never really been regular. :) what would I do without peter piper pizza though??

imbize said...

mmmmmmmm I'll stick with my city livin' and TACO TIME! hahaha I don't know how you do it. I don't think one thing you listed is something I would eat... Okay, I guess I'd eat grapes...

Susann said...

You can have that country livin, if all you have to eat is weeds and greens! By the way if that's all you eat Greg, no wonder you have gas problems! Maybe you need to go out and kill one of those turkeys!!! hehehehe
And Marie said DUHHHHHHHH!

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh