Saturday, February 21, 2009

For anyone who wants to know, Bastian didn't poop today. I'm sure it has something to do with the full bag of potato chips he downed the night before. Taking after Grandpa I suppose. I wonder if he'd be down for a celery breakfast...
I'm sitting in bed reflecting on the day in my undies and knee high socks. Didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked because we had to head into town to spend some more money. That's what we all do, right? Spend. And when we're not spending enough, they start labeling it a recession. What a strange concept.
I'm allergic to something in our room. Every time I get into bed I end up sneezing and then I wake up with a sore throat. I thought about eliminating things one by one to see if I could eventually find the culprit, but I'm too lazy and I really don't care about the sneezing enough. Just thought you'd want to know that too.
Alli is sleeping. Bastian is sleeping. Rob is sleeping. I stayed awake until 230 the other night just thinking. I'm just happy that Alli sleeps fine with the lamp on. At least that way I can watch the creepy crawlies wander around looking for niblets.
Ok, that's enough rambling. Good night moon.


john and brenda said...

Nice blog! Did you stay up until 2:30 because you wanted to or are you worrying?

Allison Barry said...

creepy crawlies??? wish i would have read this blog before i slept on your floor...

we have to get dix a man-friend before you get your puppy...we're working on it sort of.

Adam and Anya said...

Ella had a celery breakfast today.

Perhaps you should check the room for mold.

I grew up in an old house. One day I woke up and there was a mushroom growing from the harwood floor in my bedroom. Those old houses have nasty surprises sometimes. But they're charming!

imbize said...

"I'm sitting in bed reflecting on the day in my undies and knee high socks."

- This is CLASSIC Greg. hahaha

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh