Sunday, July 13, 2008


I keep getting that feeling like someone is going to pull the carpet out from under me. I'm not anxious, but rather I'm subtlety concerned. I suppose that's normal and probably deeply ingrained after millenniums of evolution and the fear/flight mechanisms churning constantly. I'm just too grateful to be here and I'm not accustomed to having so much joy...weird.
I've been pouring over books lately about home design, passive solar, active solar, and other books that will eventually lead to the blueprints of our new little casa in the mountains. Man, I feel so fortunate. I've drawn up two designs already and I know I'll keep on revising as time goes on until the day I start digging.
Last night I hooked up the music system here and figured out how to get the amp to play the outputs of all the recording equipment. Bastian sang us a solo for about three minutes and then tonight, after he was in bed, cried once he heard Alli flip the power switch on to record without him there. He is a born vocalist, but man, nine-thirty is way past bed-time. I really love to sit and listen to her play. She has a gift and she doesn't even know it. Perhaps that is what makes it so pleasant.


Brooklynn said...

sounds like you guys are having a great time. darn. but im still happy for you guys

john and brenda said...

This is a tantrum---it is not fair that I am missing Bastian's singing!!! It sounds like he has his mom's talent. Yes, Alli is so very talented. I love to hear her sing. She didn't know it, but when you were living here I could hear her singing in her room.

Being grateful is the best thing to be. It is rewarded with joy-just as you said! I am grateful for your happiness.

Adam and Anya said...

No one can pull the carpet out from under you...unless you do it yourself. -Anya

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh