Thursday, July 17, 2008

We got quite a lot accomplished today and it couldn't have been done if Wil and Alli hadn't skipped out on the diner gig.  Alli sprayed the popcorn ceilings with water out of a typical weed sprayer while I followed her with a six inch wall knife scraping that useless stuff off of the ceiling.  After we, including Wil, finished the two rooms' ceilings where we had redone the wood floors we moved the furniture back in and finally got 90% organized.  Wil came with me to the dump in Weed (yes, the town is actually called that, I didn't name it).  Then we repacked the bearings on Rob's trailer, sat through a storm that completely swamped our pasture, put down baseboards, ate great food that Alli made, picked up a new Energy Star fridge and moved that in, and then cleaned the house.  
The Stink just went to bed and it's almost ten.  He's such a great kid putting up with us being so busy sometimes.  During dinner he stood up on his chair and started preaching to us all in his language, arms outstretched and giving emphasis on certain syllables to let us know he was serious.  It was hilarious.  Later, while Wil was taking a shower, he was singing and Bastian decided to join in with his own little rendition.  He loves singing.  It's great.  I've always had this thing in my head that I couldn't get rid of about singing, but I'll do it for him.  He deserves to see no fear in certain things and an example of self love and confidence.  
A few of you wanted me to get cheesy on ya.  I know that the preceding paragraph wasn't exactly corny, so next time I think of something that might make mom cry, I'll put in here.


Mindy said...

what a cutie! singing is great. most of what I say to Ashlyn comes out in song..well, I'm just constantly singing to her, I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks that's how we communicate! jk. she hears me and ryan talk. but I love Bastians little voice.
Also, great job on the house so far. it sounds like a ton of work!

Allison Barry said...

that is so cool that you guys have a pasture. are you anywhere near Glorieta, New Mexico, by any chance?

Mindy said...

now I see your tag. I would have never thought to look at the bottom. Very interesting though. I learn something new everyday. Of course, you probably already knew all my stuff. Farmer Greg!

Adam and Anya said...

I remember when John was Bastian's age and he started preaching to us in the car one day about a "BEEEE-GAR!!!"

He kept saying it over and over. To this day, we have no idea what he was talking about. It's great!

Sounds like you guys are working really hard...way to go!

Unknown said...

Hey! I can't wait to come out and see the new place. It sounds like so much fun (besides sounding like so much work). I wish I could help, I get a kick out of taking things apart and putting them back together.

Ciara said...

oh little bastian singing how sweet! i miss you guys and of course bastian being there! i like your tag except for the part about you guys still being there next year! hahaha me and B agreed that we will give you a few months thats it! and we are not changing our minds! hahaha hope everything is great there!

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh