Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Does anyone know how to set this thing up so you can receive an email when either someone writes something new, or when you receive a comment?   I'd really like to be notified when someone puts something new up and also to respond to any comments.

The bugs are out in full force tonight.  We think it's because of the lacquer we put down on the floors today.  They are hovering around the cans by the hundreds and trying to sneak in the windows for a taste of that stinky s#@&.   Not sure why, because when I'm in the room applying that stuff, I can't wait to get out for a breath of fresh air.  So anyway, the floors are done in the living room and Bastian's room.  I cannot even describe the difference, and we forgot to take "before" photos.  But suffice it to say, we're pleased and Bastian is very lucky he has an uncle that cares so much.
Alli is has been working today down at one of the restaurants.  The owner there has hired Alli and Wil, her nephew, to work there occasionally (which has been quite frequently actually, because she is the only one there cooking and taking orders.).  At this restaurant, you can get a burger for a dollar, a bag of chips for 25 cents, and a can of soda for 50 cents.  For any of you that have a hard time with the math, that's $1.75 for an entire meal.  What's 20% of $1.75?  Oh yeah, not much, so up-selling is vital when you're being paid $3 an hour plus tips.  I'm sorry if that sounds cynical, I'm certainly not bagging it.  I think it's great that Alli and Wil are needed so badly there (and here BTW).   I know that the transition from only knowing yourself as a mother to being someone else as well is vital, so I strongly encourage her to get out and do it even though I really do miss her during the day.   
Man I just wrote something really corny and erased it.  I had to, it's just not something I should blog about.  
Man, these bugs!  I'll have to quit for now.  


Brooklynn said...

well, to know if someone did something new, you go to "customize" then click on "add a blog element" r what ever that says. then, a bunch of choices will be there and just find the one that describes it. For know if someone comments you go to "settings" then click on "commenting" or something like that and at the bottom of the page you type in your email address and then youll get the comments emailed to you

Ande, Bastian, and Dad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mindy said...

so where is it?

It's really nice to have the comments emailed to you so you don't have to keep checking every post.

I can't believe you can get a whole meal for $1.75! I wish they'd do that here. They should pay Alli atleast min. wage cuz most people probably only go by the 20% tip. Don't people realize how cheap that is?? (atleast for a cheap meal like that) It's probably fun for her to get out though.

Mindy said...

oh yeah. it's nice to see "corny" stuff! bring it on!

john and brenda said...

I cry about every time I read Anya's blog! So corn it up! I can't believe Brooklynn knew how to do that! I've got to get her to show me! Can't wait to see you guys on TUES-your anniversary!!!!!

Adam and Anya said...

When I moved to AZ I was shocked because there were vitually no bugs flying in the air!

Just be glad for all those bats. They really help out during the summer months.

Post some photos next time!!

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh