Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is me in all my sexiness

Today, without getting too graphic, Bastian and I were taking a shower and he was trying to fill up this bottle he had with the water that was dripping from the facet. I went wash the shampoo out of my hair and looked down to see that he had switched to filling his glass with the water streaming from my down-unders and couldn't help but laugh out loud. Good times.

So Allison, that's a long drive for you guys, but I'd love it if you could pick me up on Tuesday.


imbize said...

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good story? NOT! hahahahahahahahhahahahah You never cease to amaze me Greg. Gotta love you. :)

Adam and Anya said...

Im pretty sure that its probably not a good thing for bastian to be showering with you anymore. Personally if there any chance of remembering later in life, that would be disturbing. No offense Dad

Mindy said...

funny stuff

Susann said...

Nice picture Greg! No comment on that story.

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh