Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bastian is just over two years old, so I thought I should try and write down some things that he might want to know when he's older, which reminds me of one:  Whenever he is thinking of something he'll go, "hmmm, let's see," and then continue that sentence as long as he's sort of spaced out working on something.  He puts his hand up to his forehead as if the sun were in his eyes and looks off into the distance saying, "see anything?"  He then looks around at all of us to make sure we're doing the same thing.  Hmmm, let's see, what else?  Oh yeah, he's got his ABC's down and absolutely gets a kick out of finding new places where his ABC magnets will stick.  He also knows his numbers up to 12 and counts on his hands as if he actually knows what it means (who knows, maybe he does).   I'd say his vocabulary is up to about 800 words and uses two word sentences.  We've been working on spelling GO lately and other two letter words, but I don't think he sees how the phonics comes into play yet.  He can name the letters, but the word doesn't mean anything to him yet.  Hmmm, what else?  He really likes playing with trucks and talking on the phone (balancing out that yin/yang), though he'll have nothing to do with Barbies yet (I guess that doesn't come until your a teenager, hahahahaha).  

Oh, see the bottom for my latest political outcry (boring)


john and brenda said...

What a great blog! My favorite things in the scrap books besides the pictures are the funny things that you kids said. I am so glad that they are recorded.

Susann said...

Bastian is doing well for two years old! Hey, Greg you remind me of Jay when he had a bushy beard. hehe

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh