Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bastian tried out what we like to call "Preschool" the other day. It's really daycare, but he did learn a song and played with kids his own age for three hours. He really liked it and will be going back tomorrow to hear a guest dentist come in with his clown buddy to learn about brushing his teeth. Halelujah.
He's been sitting on the little toilet lately trying to push something out, but hasn't quite been successful yet. It's just nice to have him thinking about it man. I'm sick of changing poopy diapers that are so full they could be mine.
Lately he's taken to kissing our visible backs showing between our shirts and pants when we're bent over doing something. It's usually a full on slimy lick that has chunks of leftover chips or cereal. It's amazing how much less germ-a-phobic you become as you have kids and deal with puke, poop, slobber, and pee all day every day. Good times.


Adam and Anya said...

Yay for "preschool"!

Ella had the dentist come to her preschool last week. Suddenly, she's been brushing her teeth very well. Gotta love it!

Way to go Bastian!

john and brenda said...

He kisses your backs! Now that is love!

Mindy said...

that cracks me up. little Bastian going to preschool and trying to push something out. haha. yeah, I'm not a big germ person anymore, atleast if it's Ashlyn's germs. You won't catch me picking someone else's nose or ears or wiping their bum. :)

Allison Barry said...

so full they could be yours?? eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww.

Brooklynn said...

I remember one time i was babysitting him and he exploded if you know what i mean! sick! i gave him a bath and me and christy were carrying him up the stairs by his arms and legs haha funny stuff

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh