Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Not even sure what day it is today. I think it might be Wednesday. It was a difficult day because Bastian got up too early and then acted like it for the remaining 14 hours. I'm sure Uncle Rob ,and his friend Tom that is visiting, took the opportunity to avoid the place as much as possible because tensions were getting too high. I hate the mind games that come along with parenting. I'm just no good at evaluationg myself to know if I'm being neglectful, being too harsh, or too lenient. I mean, where's the manual? I think when Bastian was born the stork forgot to leave the blueprints man!
Anyway, enough of that. I think the real problem is that I don't feel like I accomplished anything today. I spent so much time trying to repair my frayed nerves that work just went buuuh-bye which is what really gives me a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Perhaps I need a mind shift? Perhaps, I need to think more in terms of how my relationships grew instead of how much was finished on the ranch. Easier said than done.
On the very bright side, tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to spend it thinking about how I can get Gogo and Grandpa to take Bastian for the winter!


Brooklynn said...

really??????? I would absolutly love that!!!!!!!! I miss the little guy. even if mom and dad dont want him i will take him haha.

Mindy said...

good luck with that.
but I know how you feel. where are those blue prints?

Allison Barry said...

that is one scary looking baby- he does have the Barry unibrow, though. (and i am not talking about Bastian :)

we would love to see Bastian!!! from the pictures he looks so much older.

john and brenda said...

Good one Greg!!! I needed blue prints obviously! I feelfelt the same exact way at the end of the day when all I had done was run from one mess or crisis to another. I like that thought of "how did our relationship grow today?" That is the best thought ever!

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh