Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday today eh?  Well, it was a day that was spent mostly with Bastian instead of working, though we did some of that too.  When he woke up from his nap we laid in the hammock for about half an hour singing songs and counting.  Then he figured out how to swing us back and forth using the pull rope and tried doing that for about another fifteen minutes laughing the entire time.  But I think he laughed the hardest today when he saw Go-go's e-card singing as a monkey.  Funny stuff mom.
I started prepping the ceiling in the guest room to paint a mural today.  It's not a large room, so I imagine that I'll have it done before everyone gets here.  I only have one goal while painting this: try to create a painting that doesn't take away from the space that is already so limited.   
Man, the turkey's are loud tonight.  There are about a flock of 4o that run through here morning and evening, but they do not even compare to the noise that the cows are making these days.  Breeding....Moooooooo


john and brenda said...

I love reading your life! Thanks for arranging a place for us! Can't wait!

Riley & Ashley said...

Turkey's & cows living with a bunch of hippy Vegan's.....what a perfect world!

Brooklynn said...

I want to send bastian a monk-e-mail so im going to

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh