Friday, September 26, 2008

I know its boring to most, but I have to say something political again.

I'm tired, but just finished watching the presidential debate and thought I had to get my two cents out of my head so that I can sleep peacefully.  I have to admit that I went into the show with my biases, but I tried to remain open so as to be better informed for the election and I'll say that I hold McCain in higher esteem, but will still vote for Obama because of several issues that I feel are important that he represents and McCain does not.  I thought McCain represented well his understanding of the world and it's leaders.  I thought he also showed real concern and love for the country, and would make a great ambassador, but as president I think he seriously misses the point.  I think over the last 30 some odd years in the Senate should have given him ample time to learn the lessons of Washington, but he still fell for the crying wolf tactics of the current moron in power.    He kept trying to portray himself as a Reagan follower rather than a Bush man and then he kept trying to misrepresent Obama and portray him as naive.   I think these ideas failed miserably.  I can see why nearly half the country likes the guy, but we're not idiots.  We can see passed the politics.  I thought Obama did a better job than McCain at speaking to the overall "feeling" in America that we're tired of the games and are in need of some serious growing up in Washington.   I remember when I was in grade school and when I fought with my friends we ignored each other for days, well I don't expect that same thing to happen with grown men/women who are leading us.  I just think Obama speaks to the world better than McCain does and we need reconciliation right now, not 30 some odd years of unlearning.   But with that said, I like McCain.  He has served the country and I admire that, but to be 72 and still be making the same mistakes that you did when you were new-b just doesn't jive-yo.  


Adam and Anya said...

I don't believe you. The debate just got over like two minutes ago. You wrote this yesterday.

Adam and Anya said...

Just kidding. No comment.

john and brenda said...

Am I one of those you don't want to get a comment from? Too bad! Hope your trip was nice going home. Glad you were here. Wish you lived closer. Always enjoy your company. Didn't see the debate. Go McCain! Sorry!

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh