Saturday, September 20, 2008

I woke up this morning with the weirdest thought in my head.  Since it was the first thing that I thought of and now I'm sticking it out there into the blogosphere, I'm probably gonna have to take it down eventually out of self-respect.   It seems to me that since a young age we all have this idea in our head that what we know is right and we're pretty damn stubborn about it.  I'm talking about everything from how tasty ants are as the wriggle down the esophagus to our little ideas about how love works and how we keep it in our lives.  I'm not sure why I was thinking about it, but the contrasting thought is that we all think we're so open-minded, and I think we can all agree that our own ways work for each of us, which is absolutely the opposite of openness.   If we're thinking in terms of "our ways" isn't that owning a set of principles or rules to which we do not stray because we have experience that tells us that ants do not taste good and that if I do this or that to someone they will leave my life?  To me, that suggests an amount of stubbornness, or unforgiving of a past event to either yourself or someone else.   I once read a book by a guy named Krishnamurti that suggested that true love holds no stubbornness, is open to each moment as if it were brand new, and forgives at an instant.   I can see his point, I can Jesus's point, I can see Muhammad's point, I get it.  But why don't any of us live it?  At this point in my life I think a nice balance might be as far as I can go.   Perhaps someday in the future I'll be more capable of instant forgiveness so that I'm open to new things constantly.  I can certainly see the joy that would come from that.  O, to be less stubborn.


john and brenda said...

I can only speak for myself, but I am trying to live IT...loving, forgiving, open. I am not perfect at it, but that is okay because progression is the key. When I beat myself up for coming up short, I feel less of God's love. When I feel less love I don't give it very well. You always have deep thoughts and are concerned about important matters-eternal matters.

You know the old saying, "If it's not broke, don't fix it." That says it all for doing what works for me. I feel more than strongly about what works and it all is contingent on how much I can feel the Holy Spirit with me. If it's not there, even if the activity is 'good' then I need to rethink things. If I am stressed or over-wrought then something needs to change. How's that! Did I understand what you were saying?

Adam and Anya said...

It's just the carnal mind. We've all got one.

Anyways, the McCain video was really funny!

Riley & Ashley said...

Greg...stubborn??? no!!!

We're hiking West Clear Creek in to have ya!

imbize said...

That's some pretty insightful stuff. I don't forgive 'instantly' just yet...but I'm pretty close. I just wasn't raised to hold grudges. One good thing I was taught I guess. LOL

Bastian and B

Bastian's new laugh